Annalise is a medium, nurse and seeker of Truth. She knows that no matter what circumstances are unfolding in our lives, we are always being embraced by the unconditional love that surrounds us. It has been her life journey to continue to learn to reside in that love and release that which clouds the knowingness of who we are. Annalise has studied many methods to awakening including Tibetan Buddhism, The Law of Attraction, The Work (Katie Byron) and A Course in Miracles. It is her connection to the Spirit world however that brings her the greatest joy. Annalise has always known that the Spirit world existed yet it wasn’t until she began connecting with those who have passed over that she realized the profound healing and guidance that they offer. It is with a warm and genuine heart that Annalise communicates with the Spirit world so that those in this world may be touched by the love from those on the other side.